Sam Mai 15 01:22:10 CEST 2010
What a day
Shopping while raining, fine mexican
dinner. Fortuity at all.
Don Mai 13 01:25:42 CEST 2010
Happy day
Finally, today (12.5.) is my personal
happy day! Now it is finished! Finally!
Mon Mai 10 23:18:50 CEST 2010
Invited from the
"Männergesangsverein" from Brixen we were part of the
"Muttertagskonzert" in Brixen on Saturday. We did a fine concert
there and had great fun. All in all we got new friends. Arrival
back home was at 2 a.m. And at 8:30 a.m. we sang in the church of
Obsteig at the confirmation. Even all singers and even with full
emphasis. There were a lot of people saying that this was a
solemnly event therefore. I like this kind of hobby!