Sat Oct 26 02:34:31 AM CEST 2024


Nach wirklich vielen Jahren hab ich mir Mitte Oktober einen Wunsch erfüllt, auf den ich lange gespart habe. Joey inspiziert schon mal das angekommene Paket.

Joey inspiziert eine Schachtel

Für ihn war das raschelnde Verpackungsmaterial interessanter. Aber im Hintergrund tauch das besondere Stück schon auf.

Der Inhalt der Schachtel zeigt sich

Hier liegt sie nun, die Tricone Resonator Guitar von Royall. Ausgestattet zusätzlich mit einem Tonabnehmer.

Tricone Resonator

Das Aussehen gefällt mir sehr gut, der Sound ist einzig- und eigenartig. Aber es macht wirklich großen Spaß, darauf zu spielen. Trotz des recht dicken Saitensatzes geht das Greifen recht locker von der Hand. Kein Schnarren, kein Klirren, das Klangbild ist total angenehm. Ganz egal, ob ich Fingerpicking oder Slideguitar spiele. Ich kann mir aufgrund der ziemlichen Lautstärke gut vorstellen, dass ich sie in der Schule zur Begleitung verwenden könnte.

Tricone Resonator

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: music

Sun 03 Oct 2021 03:08:35 AM CEST

Polpo vigla

Endlich bin ich dort, wo ich nahezu immer schon hin wollte. Und diesmal hatte ich ein Erlebnis, das ich seit 22 Jahren nicht mehr hatte: Ein anspruchsvolles Konzert.

Strawinsky ist längst hinüber, Poulenc auch, Praxmarer ist ein sehr junger Komponist und Huber ein bekannter, zeitgenössischer tiroler Komponist, der schon verschiedene Auszeichnungen erhalten hat.
Die Oktett-Besetzung von Strawinsky ist schon etwas seltsam, aber der Abend versprach viel, darum hab ich mich nach einer Einladung von F.P.Huber am Mittwoch spontan dazu entschlossen, der Uraufführung seiner Komposition beizuwohnen. Ich hab es keine Sekunde bereut und in vollen Zügen genossen.

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: music

Tue 07 Sep 2021 02:18:15 AM CEST


Ewig war es verschollen, aber heute, nahezu exakt nach 25 Jahren, kam per Post via willhaben wieder ein Exemplar der "Tonsatzlehre von Waldemar Bloch" zu mir. Es ist das letzte Puzzleteil, denn alle anderen relevanten musikalischen Unterlagen habe ich noch.
7 € ist ein annehmbarer Preis dafür.

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: music

Mon May 25 00:46:59 CEST 2015


First "Cooking-on-stage-while-the-choire-sings". Well done!

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: music

Fre Mär 4 00:04:44 CET 2011


While listening "Enter Sandman" from Metallica live in Moskow on youtube Eos jumped up und was purring.

Metallica cat

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: music

Mon Nov 15 22:41:18 CET 2010


A fine bass member of our choir died today in case of cancer. Very sad.

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: music

Mon Mai 10 23:18:50 CEST 2010


Invited from the "Männergesangsverein" from Brixen we were part of the "Muttertagskonzert" in Brixen on Saturday. We did a fine concert there and had great fun. All in all we got new friends. Arrival back home was at 2 a.m. And at 8:30 a.m. we sang in the church of Obsteig at the confirmation. Even all singers and even with full emphasis. There were a lot of people saying that this was a solemnly event therefore. I like this kind of hobby!

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: music

Sun Jun 7 01:17:53 CEST 2009

chairmans day

Had an interesting day, offered from the TSB, for all choir chairman. There were quite a lot of new information for me. Together with talking to other chairman I heared a lot of new things for my daily work as chairman of a choir.

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: music

Sun May 31 01:14:43 CEST 2009


Had a wonderful journey with my choir to Genf, a concert at Collonge, a concert at Genf at the Temple du madeleine and a mess at the cathedral of Saint-Pierre. It was a wonderful event, we visitet also Annecy, Yvoire and Talloires. All in all it was worth every second of time we spent together. And that were a lot, because only visiting the toilet was a solitaire event.

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: music

Sun May 10 01:07:13 CEST 2009

what a music day!

Today we had a rehearsal with the choir from 9:30 a.m. 'til 5 p.m. Then we sang in the church at the mass some very nice songs. The visitors, most local inhabitants even gave us ovations in the church! After that nice event I drove to the cafe Wintergarten in Inzing to a concert of Peter Ratzenbeck. He was feeling fine today, so he played a lot of difficult songs and gave three pieces as encore that were also very difficult. "Er hat sichs geb'n!". It was worth it's money!

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: music

Sun Mar 15 00:47:38 CET 2009


On saturday I was at the annual meeting of the "Tiroler Sängerbund". Also there was the "Landeshauptmann" Günther Platter as the President of the TSB. I also met Elisabeth Naz from "stimmsalz" and Arno Fabjan.



Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: music

Son Dez 14 02:27:08 CET 2008


On Saturday the "Adventstraße von Obsteig" was an event. We offered "Glühwein" and Crepes. It was very cold but we had many visitors. So it was a successfull event.

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: music

Son Nov 23 23:43:37 CET 2008

Kiwanis part 2

On saturday evening my choir had the second concert arranged by the Kiwanis club in Landeck-Perjen. The biggest problem was the snow. But almost all memebers arrived in Perjen an we had a wonderful concert in the church. Afterwards we were invented in a restaurant for a fine dinner. Driving home was a snowy, tricky thing.

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: music

Son Nov 23 23:08:27 CET 2008

Kiwanis part 1

On friday evening my choir had a concert, arranged by the Kiwanis-club in Imst in the Johanniskirche. It was a very good event and the choir sang very good. We presented our program: "Stemming", that you can order on CD.

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: music

Mon Sep 15 00:10:29 CEST 2008

Sundays fantasy

Peter started later because of the long night before. We finished "Elfentanz" and then made records to play along. At home I tried all the songs we learned and they all were playable. This workshop gave me a pushup for the next year for playing guitar much more. I enyojed my birthday gift very much! Thanks to all followers.

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: music