Fre Jän 28 00:08:31 CET 2011

15,7 TERABYTE stardata

If you want to walk through 15,7 TB of stardata, have fun with it. But here you can get a snippet: M 51

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: misc.

Son Jän 23 22:55:15 CET 2011


Had a very nice hike to the "Juifenalm", a fine "Kaspressknödelsuppe" and afterwards a nice tobogganing downhill with 4 pretty girls.


Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: personal

Son Jän 9 01:22:59 CET 2011


the 14th CUG-conf is gone and it was very fine. First Philipp was caching while I was shopping. Then cooking started: pottage, roast pork out of an unglazed ceramic vessel and chinese cabbage. Followed by various presentations. pdf-tools, josm and lightning talks. Today some were tobogganing at the Simmering Alm. The final was setting up a PC for my mum: Debian 6.0 Squeeze with the Xfce desktop environment. Internet connection via yesss and a ZTE mobile stick, managed via wmppp. My culinary highlight was the cold roast pork from yesterday.
All in all a very fine event and I am looking forward the next at 8th July 2011.

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: computer

Don Jän 6 00:27:22 CET 2011

Nativity scene

This is my little one:

Nativity scene

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: personal

Don Jän 6 00:10:06 CET 2011

xmas holidays

Had fine holydays! The first days I was ill, but thats gone. Then I have been in Graz for 25 hours. While beeing there I reached the amount of 300 found caches and found 20 by myself. I hid one cache that the hoardhunters like very much. And I am working on a "lost place cache" in Innsbruck. Happy 2011!

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: personal