Son Dez 16 22:34:25 CET 2007

Obsteig calendar

During 2007 the library of Obsteig startet a photography-contest titled "Was ich mit Obsteig verbinde - was mich mit Obsteig verbindet". My picture didn't enter the calendar, but is shown in the Internet.

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: haus

Son Dez 16 01:45:51 CET 2007

Advent street

Today was the "Advent-street event" of Obsteig. Each club had its own little market place to show and sell products. We sold "Bio-Fleischkassemmeln", "Punsch", "Kinderpunsch" and "Engelslocken", a sort of fried potatoes. The most important thing was that every club was present. After difficulties with enegry we started later but we were sold out at 23:30. No "Punsch" and nothing else neither. We had big fun celebrating this event.

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: music

Sam Dez 15 01:41:54 CET 2007


On thursday we had a concert of my choire in Imst at the ubuntu-program. We had an event at the end of the Astrid Lindgren year and there were a lot of listeners at the church. We produced a fine performance in front of a full church. And they liked it. It is a pitty if you missed it.

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: music

Mon Dez 10 23:38:52 CET 2007

Parents day

Today we had the day for parents to talk with us. A lot came, but only from the good pupils. So I had to tell only good news. Fine and quickly finished. Thanks I have a lot of good pupils this year.

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: school

Sam Dez 8 01:02:34 CET 2007

further education

Today I was at the PTS in Wörgl for further education. We built up a pulley. (A bottle-train for germanists). We produced all single units by ourselfes. It was very interesting but in the end, we should pay 50 EUR for the plan. (The plan for this unit plus some other pieces). So I decided to make a plan for myself and publish it for the other teachers. I can see no reason to take cash from teachers when it is usefull for all because of new practice-pieces. There is no need of getting money from all things in education.

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: school