Tue Feb 21 23:56:12 CET 2006
licq works
Started my computer, tried to run
licq... nothing. In the evening I did another update of my system.
Nothing with qt, nothing with licq. But after synaptic finished, I
tried to start licq and it is runnig. Strange. Any hints?
Tue Feb 21 01:07:08 CET 2006
logo, kde! would some of you say
Since the last update to kde 3.5
there are some heavy problems: After logging in, while kde starts,
I get the message: "Could not start kdeinit, check your
installation". Clicking it away starts kde anyway. Huh? Apparently
this blocks some services from kde (I do not use). libqcad0.dev
causes problems while installing. No reason. So Qcad doesn't work.
Since the last update licq doesn't work. All I know is, that the
reason is a QT library. And all I know is not enough to solve the
problem. So there is no ICQ contact with me. Pardon: when I start
"licq -d console" i have licq on the console. :-) But until right
now I couldn't get any information how to use it.
Sun Feb 19 23:16:20 CET 2006
enlighted carport
I completed the light in the carport
by installing a current socket, a light switch and a lamp with
motion switch-on.
Sat Feb 18 00:24:13 CET 2006
portrait sketching
Today I had another workshop from the
Mesnerhaus Artists. Sketching Portraits. The son of one of the
members was sitting for half an hour and we tried to portrait him
with pencil, coal and red chalk. Quite difficult, but he was
recognizable. Maybe one of you wants to sit as model for me?
Fri Feb 17 23:40:10 CET 2006
current sockets
With Bernhards, a teacher colleague,
help I installed 7 current sockets and 2 light switches. Also the
socket and switch for the carport. That caused a hole in the wall.
Afterwards I closed all unwanted holes with plaster and tomorrow I
will paint the walls with silmallin, a white chalk wall-colour.
Made from a company this would cost about 1000 EUR, knowing how to
make it by myself it costs 70 EUR. God thanks I know how to do this
Tue Feb 14 22:58:34 CET 2006
M-Preis 1+1
Today I had a wonderful day with
skiing at the Rosshütte in Seefeld. A one-day-ticket costs 29 EUR,
but M-Preis sold 1+1 for that price. So actually for one person
14,50 EUR. We were skiing from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at a wonderful
weather and wonderful snow. In addition we reached a peak, the
Seefelder Joch, as you can see, by foot. On the other picture you
can see the Hohe Munde on the right, Obsteig and the Grünberg in
the middle and the Stubaier Alpen on the left. In the foreground
you can see Seefeld.

Tue Feb 14 00:39:57 CET 2006
damnd updates
Yesterday I made my usual update with
synaptic. 370 MB had to be loaded down. And after a long time I had
a new KDE: 3.5, well. First I
noticed k3b is working again after 2 months of absence. Then today
I started OpenOffice. It froze down. After starting synaptic again,
there were 75 MB to download. Most of all OpenOffice. Now it works.
But: KDE 3.5 looks fine. It would be better to have a new hardware.
It is slower than before. Now it is difficult to recognize the
difference between starting an application and a computer
Tue Feb 7 23:34:16 CET 2006
make install
For the first time i did it by myself
without asking anybody else. ./configure make make install. And
*surprise* it worked. To export files as mp3 out of audacity I have
to use lame. I found a hint that told me: get the tar and compile
it on your own computer, otherwise it wont work. And I managed it.
A small step for mankind but a big step for me.
Mon Feb 6 18:33:31 CET 2006
You remember the destroyed fingernail
November? Now it is back again and as long as the others. 3
months is a long time.
Sun Feb 5 01:00:07 CET 2006
My Yacht is on the way
Today I glued the port-side part of
the hull of my yacht to the structure. Quite difficult because of
the curves at the bow. But have a look at your own.