Yesterday I installed the
testing-version of k3b. Then I wanted to burn a Cd, but k3b crashed
whenever I added files to the project. So I downgraded to the
stable-version. It works. Thats not what I wanted, but we will see
what the future brings.
After an exchange of the router, as
you can see, I am back in the net again. A fine feeling! Felt like
locked away in a prison deep underneath the earth and away from any
daylight ;-)
After a thunderstorm some days ago,
my Router died. Direkt Internetconnection worked for one hour, but
in the evening even this did fail. Lets see, what happens this
evening after a Router exchange.
Finally installed and adapted
nanobloggermail, so I can blog via sms. I also created some 80x15
pics and included them in my homepage. nice. Now the last part of
my holidays can start.
I think I'm going nuts. I looked upon
2000 pictures with the reason, which one will be developed as a
print. My feeling is: "square eyes". So in the next weeks I will
annoy you with printed out pics ;-)
I tested the layouts that came with
the blog. I decided to take "spring". Spring means: Now a long
summer will come: sunny, hot and holidaylike. And the color looks
like the one on my homepage. To be exact: it _is_ the color!