Fri Aug 28 03:10:08 CEST 2009

Kaiser Max

Was at the Kaiser Maximilian ceremony in Innsbruck and met some nice guys. And even old guys. Even from ancient times. Took 400 pictures and was at the afterparty in the Stiftskeller. Well, I just transfered the pics to my hdd and edited them. Now: heavy-bed-load.

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: personal

Sun Aug 16 02:31:16 CEST 2009


Was at the Ambras Castle party with the "Barock"-Theme. The special exhibitions were very interesting, but also swordfighting and barock-dancing and music. Even the Bosna was good! Met Tanja for the third time for random (or fortuity) in two weeks. Funny!

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: personal

Fri Jul 31 02:43:20 CEST 2009


Today was the launch of my yacht "Catman". I started building at Feb. 2008. It was finished now and we had a launching-party last afternoon with sparkling wine with my neighbour Lea and Martin and his family. Then we launched the boat and watched the first turnes. It was great! And at the end I can say, it was the first boat-launch the boat survived! The yacht is called "Catman" as a reminder for my cat that died in Oktober 2008.
Have a look at the first run:


Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: personal

Tue Jul 21 23:55:08 CEST 2009

colourful day

Tuesday was the second day of my art-painting training-camp. Yesterday I painted a picture to come in contact with my acrylic colours. It will be named "Paprika" and can be seen at the end of the week. Today I learned a new technique for me: I had to abstract all things and all colours to their basic. A plain but beautiful beach scene arose.
I had to order a new 250 ml can of titanium white because of its extensive useage.
I got a sunburn between my head-hair. Damn! My arms and legs have been protected by a sunblocker. We work in the orchard under apple and plum trees. Nice, but too few shadow.

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: personal

Fri Jul 17 01:29:34 CEST 2009

Lazy summers day

Slept as long as possible, breakfast at high noon, shopping at 5 p.m. Dinner at 6 p.m. Cardgame wizards until now. Funny game! looking forward tomorrow!

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: personal

Thu Jul 16 02:04:13 CEST 2009


Went with my mam to my sister. Had a fine journey with mam and a nice evening with my sister with the new card game "Wizard". We played all night long and it was very nice. We had a lot of loughter!

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: personal

Sun Jun 21 00:58:38 CEST 2009


Today was the Brentevent, an event at a local field called Brente. Near Affenhausen. Some inhabitants of a street there arranged a culture event where artists get 45 minutes to present themselfes. This event occures every two years. So imagine: bar-b-q, drinking, blues, brass-band, spanish music and dance, guitar, funk and soul, kids adventure, mobile WC, ...
I met a lot of people from my choir and we had a lot of fun. But it was cold, very cold! Clothings were very necessary. In the meantime beer and booze helped! Cool event!

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: personal

Tue Apr 14 01:25:46 CEST 2009

Pictures at an exhibition

On monday Gregor, David and Georg visited me. We went to the Mesnerhaus to have a look at the exhibition. Afterwards we went to my home and had a fine dinner with meat from my favourite farmer. After some talks Georg went home to Dornbirn and Gregor and David back to Innsbruck. It was a long time since they were here the last time. But it was a nice evening.

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: personal

Sun Mar 29 01:48:54 CET 2009


On friday we had the 26th anniversary of our Matura at the HTL in Innsbruck. We had a meeting in the Austria Trend hotel and wormed up old stories of older days.

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: personal

Sun Mar 29 01:40:24 CET 2009


On friday the "Malgruppe Mesnerhaus" had its first Vernissage. It was a nice event. And it was a little bit strange for me, because it is the first time that people have a public look at my paintings. Until now the paintings were only for me and myself.


Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: personal

Fri Mar 20 00:37:47 CET 2009


Met Fil at the tower of Salzburg airport. Tried to manage approach and departure of the airoplanes ;-)

Chrisu at the tower of Salzburg airport

Then we visited the Stiegl brewery for some beer.

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: personal

Mon Mar 2 18:06:27 CET 2009

Good bye

Today I was at a funeral to say good bye to an old friend, Alexander Brandstätter, known as Brandy. There came a lot of reminders in my thoughts from former times while sitting in the church.

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: personal

Mon Jan 12 00:06:09 CET 2009


On 11.1.2009 it was the first time I completed all components of my yacht, equipped the radio control with batteries and tested it. The motor started, turned forward and backward and the ruder went left and right. So everything is clear and I wait now for the melting of the ice on the lake.

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: personal

Mit Dez 31 21:33:26 CET 2008

dinner for one

Had a fine dinner where I offered myself things I usually do not eat:
Salmon with curry-mustard
Roastbeef in slices
mushroom pie
pearl-onions, Thai corncobs and cornichons
Emperor-Maximilian cheese
served on bread that was covered with NaOH+H2O and NaCl before it was baken.
Drinking was Guave-mint water.

All in all very delicious!

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: personal

Don Dez 25 03:17:26 CET 2008

Christmas evening

On 24th I finished my advent calendar. It was a nice electronic circuit. Click here to have a look at the whole calender.
I was with Gipsy the dog at home, played "Stille Nacht" in Ratzenbeck-style and enjoyed the presents I had for myself. At 11 p.m. I was in the church with my choire to sing for the "Mette".
Merry Christmas!

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: personal