Son Dez 14 02:09:01 CET 2008

Blind date

On friday I met a girl and we went to the "Christkindlmarkt" in the old town of Innsbruck. I didn't know her until then, but it was a fine evening with her, talking about this and that. It is years ago that I drunk 3 "Glühwein". And it is centuries ago that I had a blind date!

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: personal

Mon Dez 8 23:22:39 CET 2008

Graz again 4

After a long night the kids came very early to play with me. So there was no problem to get the train back home. The journey was short and after the wink of an eye I was back home again. Well. Fine it was!

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: personal

Mon Dec 8 02:34:01 CET 2008

Graz again 3

In the morning I woke up, because the two kids told and showed me everything they got from St. Nikolaus. Martin and Lizzy therefore had the chance to sleep an additional part of sleep. Lizzy gave the meat for defrosting on the balcony, so we had to wait longer for dinner because of minus temperatures. Then, after a short sleep I visited the cemetery and my grandma. In the evening we played Candamir and Munchkin. The final night begins now.

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: personal

Sun Dec 7 02:41:19 CET 2008

Graz again 2

slept well and long, woke up with two kids arround me. Have been shopping with Lizzy and the kids and met my mom and grandmom while having dinner at the shopping center. And then there was _the_ event: shopping at Conrad in Graz. Of course I found some little gadgets and now I am happy!
Then I visited mom and grandmom and we told storys each other about my childhood, my mothers childhood and grandmoms childhood. I even saw a photograph of my grand-grandfathers mom from 1900.
Back at Retti we played Therapy three times and had very great fun. Martin knows a lot of me and even knows me.

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: personal

Sat Dec 6 03:29:31 CET 2008

Graz again 1

Got the train to Graz, awfully filled with people. All seats in the train were reservated. From Salzburg I got a waggon, half with temperature 50°C, half 10°C. I decided to take the 10°C an put on my jacket. Rain in Graz, 7 EUR for Taxi. Talked a while with Lizzy.

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: personal

Mon Dez 1 23:54:35 CET 2008

Advent calendar

This year I have a special advent calendar from conrad: Every day there is another electronical part in the box and so every day there is another electronical experiment to do. And with the growing amount of electronic parts I can build different circuits. The final circuit on 24th dec will be the masterpiece. So every morning I am happyly looking forward to my calendar!

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: personal

Die Nov 11 23:06:13 CET 2008

catmans launch

Today was the inofficial launching of the yacht "Catman" in the water butt to see, how the hull works. No water intrusion, the hull lies perfect in the water. So I can becalmed make the electronic installation for the first runout somewhen in the next weeks. Have a first glimpse at the fine mahogany yacht:
Yacht Catman

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: personal

Sam Okt 18 01:06:49 CEST 2008

my booty from today

Today I was at Metro for shopping and at Nagiller for new winter tyres. But have a look at my real booties from today:


Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: personal

Die Okt 7 20:37:29 CEST 2008

Catman is dead

Today at 6:15 p.m. catman died by injection at the doctor's office. Sad. We buried him in the forest near Obsteig at 7:30 p.m. Here is his last good bye picture.
catman's last picture

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: personal

Mit Okt 1 23:36:59 CEST 2008

All Room(ster)

Today was finally the day I got my new car, the Skoda Roomster. It lasted two hours for all: money, papers, instructions and coffee. For the first time in my life I used a tempomat (automatic speed control) and backward parking sensors. Driving with this car is very joyfull!

Skoda Roomster

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: personal

Mit Okt 1 00:39:01 CEST 2008

There's Room(ster) to move

Today I left some papers and money at my car-shop Nagiller in Lans. There I cought a first glimps of my new car, which I will get on wednesday afternoon. I am happily looking forward!

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: personal

Son Sep 28 21:51:18 CEST 2008

Graz again

A day as usual in Graz: Woke up with the kids in my bed, a short breakfast followed by dinner, then by bicycle to Conrad. Aaahh! I enyojed it, walking around in the shop and seeing this and that. Of cours I found something special! Afterwards as usual I visited my grandma and she was very happy to see me. The saturday-finish was a game: The conquest of Rome (Settlers of Catan).
On sunday Martin and I went to the letter-election-station which was located at main station Graz. 10 minutes later I went home by train. It have been very fine days in Linz and Graz.

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: personal

Son Sep 14 02:25:08 CEST 2008


Yesterday I became 45 and the day started with a call from my sister at 2 a.m. while I didn't switch off my mobile. I got a lot of good wishes and gratulations and spent my day at the birthday-present I donated to me, the guitar workshop with Peter Ratzenbeck. We played guitar for almost ten hours, had fun all the day and in the evening we went to the "Alte Schmiede" in Stams and there was a special birthday concert from some of the players. I spent the day with my friends Gregor, Christian and Peter. Thanks to all of you and thank you for the music!

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: personal

Die Aug 26 00:26:40 CEST 2008

sister act 4

Didn't sleep as long as usual, had breakfast and dinner. Then we took our way back home and had a first stop after 15 minutes at the shop FIALA in Laufen. Bought some acrylic paints and a model kit. Drove via Traunstein - Schleching - Walchsee - Niederndorf to Innsbruck, were I took the train back home. It were some fine days with my sister, my mother and my nephews.

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: personal

Die Aug 26 00:06:38 CEST 2008

sister act 3

Tried to sleep as long as possible, but my nephew Franzi topped me. I woke up at 1 p.m. Took a walk around the "Hö¶llerersee", enjoyed the lazy summers evening, played "Watten" until early in the morning.

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: personal