Sun Aug 14 23:47:15 CEST 2005

Catans Spacetravellers

I have a card game for 2 Person: Spacetravellers of Catan. I have got it 2 years ago. Today was the first time we played it. And: surprise! Claudia liked it. Strange. Because "The Settlers of Catan" is not a game she enjoyes. On TV she likes Kottan, Tohuwabohu or Time Bandits. But she said, High Fidelity is a boring Film, that she never would watch. So after 1 hour we canceled watching the Film.

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: personal

Sat Aug 13 01:32:57 CEST 2005


To tell you: I have got a right watercolour-brush. And I have a board to put the sheet on. And I have appropriate watercolours. The next thing I need is time to paint. There are so many things in my head I want to paint, so wait until you can see the paintings. I also bought the last missing cable and the screws for the amplifier WCG-1. In the next days I will try to set it up. You will read here more.

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: personal

Sat Aug 13 01:11:56 CEST 2005


Today I made a tour with the bike with Lea. We were away for almost 2 hours. Klamm-castle - Badesee - Obermieming - Gschwent - back home. A short break at Maurer for an ice-cone. Each of us worked out about 1500 kcal. But the ice-cone relevates that. But we had a lot time for talking and joking. I should make that more often. Driving alone isn't that funny.

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: personal

Thu Aug 11 01:29:11 CEST 2005


It was a fine afternoon. We met at "Mesnerhaus" and decided to drive to the part of Obsteig called "Wald". Then we went about 10 minutes with our equipment and started painting. Todays theme was "Watercolour". I bought a watercolour-set for 13.- EUR and testet it. Great. All I wanted was: Sitting in the nature, silence, peace, and a wonderful sight. So evolved my first real watercolour-painting. Cereals in the foreground, the "Grünberg" in the background and "Wald" in the middle. Fantastic. Not the painting, but the scenery and the location and the feeling. I have no experience with watercolour-paintings, but I think I would like it. But first I have to explore the technique. I think I will buy an appropriate brush. Not just a Jolly-brush. What I most liked was the peace and quiet of the location. Sitting there, no person to disturbe, no sound of streets, of mankind. Only scenery. Maybe it would be appropriate for playing guitar? Lets see, what the days will bring. For now I have a painting to display.

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: personal

Tue Aug 9 01:49:27 CEST 2005

Settlers of Catan

For the first time since months we played Settlers of Catan. I lost, but thats no surprise. The main thing was playing the game. The other thing: The project "getting a young dog" seems to be canceled until next year. No Odie for the cat.

Posted by Chrisu | Permalink | Categories: personal